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Kala Chana vs Kabuli Chana – Which is better for you?

Kala Chana vs Kabuli Chana

Kala Chana vs Kabuli Chana are both ancient legumes with a rich history.

Evidence of their consumption dates back 7,500 years to the Middle East, & they have been found in ancient samples in Greece, France, and other regions of Europe. 

The earliest literature on chana appears in a medieval document called Capitulare de Villis, which provided guidelines for managing Emperor Charlemagne’s royal estates during the last years of his reign. 

These legumes have been a staple in many cultures for centuries and continue to be enjoyed today in a variety of dishes.

Chana, also known as chickpeas chana vs chickpeas or garbanzo beans in the Western world, is a highly nutritious legume that has been consumed for thousands of years. 

Its origins can be traced back to the Middle East, where evidence of its use and consumption dates back 7,500 years. 

The earliest literature on Chana’ can be found in a medieval document called Capitulare de Villis, which provided guidelines for managing Emperor Charlemagne’s royal estates. 

This document, written around 800 AD, describes the specific locations where chana was grown on each of his estates. 

Today, there are two main varieties’ of chana: Kabuli chana, which is larger and lighter in color, and Kala chana, which is smaller and darker in color. 

Both are delicious and nutritious additions to any meal!

Kala Chana vs Kabuli Chana – Which is better?

protein content  among kala chana vs kabuli chana:

When it comes to compare between kala chana vs kabuli chana protein content, Kabuli Chana outshines Kala Chana. In a 100-gram serving, Kabuli Chana provides 10-11 grams of protein, while Kala Chana only offers 7 to 8 grams. So, if you are looking to up your protein intake, Kabuli Chana is the better choice.

 kala chana vs kabuli chana nutrition difference :

1    When it comes to comparing Kabuli Chana & Kala Chana, there are some notable differences in their nutritional content.

2    Kabuli Chana contains 12 grams of fiber per 100 grams, while Kala Chana has even more fiber at 18 grams. 

3    In terms of protein, Kabuli Chana has 8 grams per 100 grams, while Kala Chana has 10 grams. 

4    These differences in nutritional content may influence which type of chickpea you choose to include in your diet.

Bone health

1    When it comes to bone health, Kabuli Chana is the better choice compared to Kala Chana.

2    This is because Kabuli Chana is rich in both iron & calcium, which are essential for maintaining strong bones.

3    By incorporating Kabuli Chana into your diet, you can help improve the strength and health of your bones.

The heart health

1    When it comes to comparing Kabuli chana & Kala chana, Kabuli chana comes out on top in terms of heart health benefits. 

2    This is because Kabuli chana is rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium, magnesium, iron, & selenium, all of which promote heart health. 

3    Kabuli chana can help prevent heart diseases & lower bad cholesterol levels in the body, as it contains zero cholesterol.

Best for constipation

1     When it comes to preventing constipation, fiber is Key. 

2    Kabuli Chana and Kala Chana are both the best sources of dietary fiber, but Kabuli Chana comes out on top with 18 grams per 100 grams compared to Kala Chana’s 13 grams. 

3   While some reports suggest that Kala Chana contains 17 grams of dietary fiber, it still falls short of Kabuli Chana. 

4    So if you want to keep things moving smoothly, go for Kabuli Chana.


1     For those with diabetes, chanas are a better food choice due to their low glycemic index. 

2    Along with other low glycemic index fruits & vegetables, chanas can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

3    However, when it comes to choosing between Kabuli Chana and Kala Chana, Kabuli Chana is the better option for diabetic patients. 

4    This is because Kabuli Chana has a glycemic index of 8, while Kala Chana has a glycemic index of 13.

For cancer

 1  Kabuli chana and Kala chana are types of chanas that offer health benefits.

2  Kabuli chana contains selenium, a mineral that aids in liver function and helps prevent tumours. 

3   It also contains folate, which aids in DNA repair. 

4   Additionally, Kabuli chana contains phytochemicals called saponins that help prevent cancer and high levels of fiber that aid’ in preventing colorectal cancer. 

5   Kala chana, on the other hand, is rich in iron and protein, making it a great addition to a vegetarian or vegan diet. 

6   Both types of chanas offer unique health benefits and can be incorporated into a healthy diet.


When it comes to comparing Kabuli Chana and Kala Chana, there are some notable differences. Kabuli Chana comes out on top in almost every aspect, making it the better choice. So if you want to ensure a healthy and balanced diet, be sure to include Kabuli Chana in your regular meals.