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WHAT IS ‘THE MOTHER’ IN APPLE CIDER VINEGAR? Have you ever heard of “The Mother” in apple cider vinegar? It’s a gelatinous and opaque substance that can be found in raw, unpasteurized vinegar. While some people select to erase it, “The Mother” is actually considered to be the most nutritious part of the vinegar. This substance can form in any unpasteurized vinegar, but it’s most commonly found in apple cider vinegar. Its Latin name, Mycoderma aceti, translates to “skin of the acid.”

Is pasteurized apple cider vinegar useless?

There is a debate among health enthusiasts about whether pasteurized apple cider vinegar is as beneficial as the unpasteurized category. While pasteurization does kill off harmful bacteria, it may also demolish some of the valuable enzymes and nutrients found in raw apple cider vinegar. Some argue that pasteurized versions are until now useful for cooking and cleaning purposes, but for those seeking the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, unpasteurized choice may be preferred.

What should I look for when purchasing apple cider vinegar?

When purchasing apple cider vinegar, it’s important to look for a few key things. First, make sure it’s raw, unfiltered, and unpasteurized, as this kind of vinegar contains the “mother” which is a beneficial bacterium that provides health benefits. Look for a brand that uses organic apples and doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial flavours. Eventually, check the acidity level, which should be around 5% for optimal health benefits.

How do I use apple cider vinegar with the mother?

When using apple cider vinegar with the mother, it is necessary to dilute it in water or another liquid before consuming it to avoid damaging your teeth or throat. The recommended daily amount varies, but it’s generally safe to take between a teaspoon and a tablespoon per day, with a maximum of two tablespoons. Before use, be sure to shake the bottle thoroughly to distribute the mother, which can settle at the bottom. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you get some of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in every serving.

 7 health benefits of apple cider vinegar:

It is said that the ‘Father of Modern Medicine’, Hippocrates, used apple cider vinegar for coughs and cleaning wounds. So why has this folk remedy remained popular since Ancient Greece? There are so many benefits of apple cider vinegar, both with and without the mother.

1  Helps improve digestion:

Apple cider vinegar has been touted for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to improve digestion. This is enough for the presence of healthy bacteria in unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, which can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. By promoting healthy digestion, apple cider vinegar can also help improve healthy absorption and keep harmful bacteria in check. Other potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar include weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced inflammation.

2  Supports your immune system:

Apple cider vinegar has been touted for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to improve digestion. This is suitable for the presence of healthy bacteria in unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, which can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. By promoting healthy digestion, apple cider vinegar can also help improve nutrient absorption and keep harmful bacteria in check. Other potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar include weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced inflammation.

3  Condition of your hair:

It is including improving digestion, aiding in weight loss, and reducing inflammation. But did you know that it can also benefit your hair? By adding apple cider vinegar to your hair care routine, you can help balance the pH level of your scalp and hair, which can lead to more manageable and less brittle tresses. This is especially important if you use high-alkaline shampoos, which can raise the pH level of your scalp and hair and cause breakage and dryness. So, give apple cider vinegar a try and see the difference it can make for your hair health!

4  Improve your skin and nail health:

It includes it to improve skin and nail health. Its cleansing and hydrating properties make it a popular natural solution for achieving healthier skin and nails. When used as a toner, it can help balance the skin’s pH levels and exfoliate, resulting in smoother and softer skin. It can even be used to alleviate shaving bumps by applying it with a cotton pad. Additionally, apple cider vinegar is commonly used as a foot soak to treat rough and cracked heels.

5  Lowers blood sugar levels:

It includes its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This is due to the acetic acid found in the vinegar, which has been shown to block the enzymes responsible for digesting starch. By doing so, blood sugar levels remain more stable after consuming starchy foods like pasta or bread. In addition to this, apple cider vinegar has been linked to improved digestion, weight loss, and even a reduced risk of heart disease.

6  Aiding weight loss:

It includes aiding in weight loss. Studies have shown that ACV may slow down the absorption of starches in food, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. In addition to weight loss, ACV has been linked to improved digestion, lower blood sugar levels, and even potential cancer-fighting properties. It’s important to note, however, that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of ACV on the body.

7  Improving heart health:

It includes lower triglyceride levels and reduced cholesterol. Triglycerides are a type of fat that can build up in your arteries and lead to heart disease. In a study, researchers found that apple cider vinegar was able to modestly lower cholesterol levels in individuals whose levels were not considered unhealthy. Other potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar include improved digestion, weight loss, and reduced inflammation.