The Open Magazine

Delicious Keto Recipes for a healthy lifestyle

Coco Berry Smoothie,100% Easy & Unique Drink Recipe

Coco Berry Smoothie

Coco Berry Smoothie.  Made with only 4 ingredients, which are low in carbs, the coconut milk strawberry smoothie is one of the quickest smoothies to make, if not the quickest.

The milk coconut berry smoothie is ideal for ketogenic diet plan followers looking to enjoy a nice strawberry apple smoothie whilst staying well inside the carbs limits.

Not only by the ketogenic diet plan followers but the healthy smoothie can also be enjoyed by anyone non-keto with a love for strawberries.

Ketogenic people need to sway away from consuming fruit sugars as they can really add up to the overall carbohydrate intake.

It is a challenging task to avoid consuming fruit sugars while on a keto diet plan.

However, with the coconut milk strawberry and kiwi smoothie recipe, anyone following a keto diet plan can enjoy sweetness without compromising adding a lot amount of carbs intake.


Ingredients required for Coco Berry Smoothie


Ingredient Checklist for a strawberry coconut smoothie
S. No. Name of the Ingredient Amount
1 Smooth Almond Butter 2 tablespoons
2 Stevia 2 packets
3 Strawberries (Frozen) 1 cup
4 Unsweetened Coconut Milk 1 cup

Note: Coco Berry Smoothie

Each ingredient used in the recipe provides a very less amount of carbohydrates

Stevia is an optional ingredient for preparing the smoothie.

Its role is limited to making the smoothie a sweeter treat without adding up carbs

Coconut milk can be replaced with almond milk instead for preparing the healthy smoothie

Ice cubes can also be added to the smoothie to get a rich chill taste
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How to Prepare the Coco Berry Smoothie

1 – Take all the ingredients and put them in a blender

2 – Run a few blender cycles until the blend turns completely smooth

3 – Take out the smoothie in a container

4 – Pour it into a glass and enjoy!


coconut strawberry smoothie


Nutritional Information  coconut milk strawberry smoothie

Nutritional Information for Coconut Milk Strawberry Smoothie
Servings 2
Calories 52 kcal
Cholesterol 0 mg
Erythritol 2 gms
Potassium 112 mg
Sodium 22 mg
Total Fat 2.3 gms
i. Saturated Fat 2.0 gms
Total Carbohydrates 7.2 gms
i. Dietary Fiber 1.6 gms
ii. Sugars 3.5 gms
Proteins 0.3 gms

Note: Coco Berry Smoothie

1   Most smoothie recipes use 1 cup of berries per serving. Typically, ½ cup of strawberries contains 1.4 g of fibre and 5.5 g of carbohydrates


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